Darned Laura's Cashmere socks using @cowgirrlblues silk mix mohair yarn which is really soft as well as strong . Holes were very large, so I made crochet circle patches and stitched together. #darning #repair #cashmere #visibledarning #visiblemending #cashmeresocks #mohair #pink #mendandmove #ダーニング #装飾ダーニング #リペア #繕い #カシミア #靴下の穴
Darned Laura's Cashmere socks using @cowgirrlblues silk mix mohair yarn which is really soft as well as strong . Holes were very large, so I made crochet circle patches and stitched together. #darning #repair #cashmere #visibledarning #visiblemending #cashmeresocks #mohair #pink #mendandmove #ダーニング #装飾ダーニング #リペア #繕い #カシミア #靴下の穴
Posted by Intagrate Lite